Huwebes, Oktubre 19, 2017

This Facebook Page Is Dedicated To Dogs And The UPS Drivers Who Love Them

The relationship between dog and delivery person hasn’t always been one of tail wags and head pats, but a huge group of UPS drivers is out to change that. UPS Dogs is a Facebook page all about the thousands of friendships made between UPS drivers and neighborhood dogs. The page is liked by over 200,000 people, and every day they share photographic evidence that the best friendships are the ones you don’t always expect.


Posted by UPS DOGS on Monday, October 16, 2017

Sean McCarren is the founder and moderator of the page, and he’s been working for UPS for 17 years. He loves his job, and the dogs he meets on his delivery routes are a big part of that. He got the idea to create a virtual community of dog-loving UPS drivers five years ago, and his idea quickly caught on.

Drivers from nearly every state in the country are now part of the group, and they all share pictures and videos of the dogs that make their jobs so great. UPS employee of 15 years Jeff Skender used the page to show off a long-time friend and her 15 puppies. He posted that he’s been meeting neighborhood dog Charlie for over a  year, and he never fails to bring her a treat. The last time he made a delivery to her part of town, she couldn’t wait to introduce him to her adorable family.

Viewer discretion advised. May cause cuteness overload. Jeff Skender out of the Springfield, Illinois center had the pleasure of a follow up visit with Charlie and her puppies, you may remember from a September 20th post. Jeff is happy to report that Charlie has gained back some of the weight she lost in the three weeks we last saw her and that momma and her puppies are all healthy and doing well.

Posted by UPS DOGS on Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Skender isn’t the only one that delivers dog treats along with packages. Many of the drivers admit to using their own money to keep their trucks stocked with tasty treats. The dogs have grown to recognize the trucks, and they usually make their appearance before the delivery driver even makes it out of their seat.

I'm the pied piper of canines

Posted by UPS DOGS on Friday, September 8, 2017

The social media page is all about celebrating a dog’s unconditional love. All the contributors have gone on to make life-long friendships with the dogs that can’t wait for delivery day. At the same time, the adorable pictures and heartwarming stories are changing people’s opinions about how dogs and delivery drivers feel about each other.

Featured Image Source: Facebook/UPS Dogs

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